SW platform and dev. env. for E/E architecture ; Changes brought by DevOps - Our Approach

E/Eアーキ向けSW Platform と開発環境;DevOpsがもたらす変化-当社の取り組み


BMS ASIL Software Development blog image

Jump Start BMS ASIL Software Development with the ISL78714 Complex Device Driver

The ASIL-D complex driver measures battery cells, integrates safety mechanisms and saves months of Battery Management System (BMS) software development.

Give voice to Smart Products by Renesas Electronics



The Virtual Turnkey Platform that Accelerates E/E Architecture Development Blog


大規模化・複雑化するE/Eアーキテクチャを容易に開発できるようにするため、実機無しでの ソフトウェア開発を実現するVirtual Platform(VPF),及び,VPF上で動作するSoftware Development Kit(SDK)を提供します。

High Efficiency Wireless Charging Tablet Stylus Using Small Rod Coils

High Efficiency Wireless Charging Tablet Stylus Using Small Rod Coils

Wireless charging in the stylus improves user experience and reduces the thickness of the stylus; the RA9520 stylus reference design with rod coils showcases high efficiency and a small solution area.

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Renesas Commits to Meet ISO/SAE 21434, Road Vehicles Cybersecurity Engineering International Standard

Renesas is fully committed to meeting ISO/SAE 21434 for its automotive microcontrollers (MCUs) and system-on-chip (SoC) solutions effective with new developments from January 2022.

RX72M Wide Range blog thumbnail

RX72M が実現するEtherCAT通信を用いた幅広いモータ制御アプリケーション


True Wireless Stereo (TWS) Earbud Charger Cradle Blog

True Wireless Stereo (TWS) Earbud Charger Cradle

This is a highly integrated, yet modular and flexible, charger cradle, supporting independent power rails to recharge TWS earbuds and hearing-aids.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Goes Mainstream Thanks to Standards and Common Definitions Blog

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Goes Mainstream Thanks to Standards and Common Definitions

The ability to sense air quality with low cost and miniature sensors has now been enabled with standards-based definitions from global governments and industry associations.

NIST Certifications and Tests Provide Security Solution Confidence

NIST Certifications and Tests Provide Security Solution Confidence

This blog looks at the importance of security certifications and explains how embedded developers can be assured that the heart of their product’s security works correctly.