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Smart Diaper Odor Detector



Providing better and smarter care for individuals, including infants, the elderly, and those with special needs, is a pressing need in today's society. For those who require the use of diapers, a smart diaper odor detector addresses the inconvenience of manual checks and significantly reduces the likelihood of delayed changes, which can lead to discomfort and potential health issues.

This smart diaper odor detector enables real-time odor monitoring, alerting parents and caregivers when a diaper change is needed. It features Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) for smart connectivity, ensuring low power consumption for extended operation. The sensor module is designed to detect total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).

System Benefits:

  • Bluetooth LE SoC provides smart connectivity to apps for alerts and boasts the industry's lowest current consumption for longer use between charges.
  • The compact, certified module with a built-in 32MHz crystal resonator for RF chips and antennas shortens development time and accelerates time to market.
  • Downloadable firmware libraries and source code facilitate TVOC and odor detection, supporting faster design timelines.



Block Diagram

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4:3 ratio Connector Arrow.237 Connector Arrow.241 Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 JP010 JP010 JP010 USB Plug Sheet.201 Sheet.202 Sheet.203 Sheet.204 Sheet.205 LDO LDO LDO Gas Sensor Gas Sensor Gas Sensor Humidity Sensor Humidity Sensor Humidity Sensor MCU MCU MCU 5V 5V 5V 3.3V Digital 3.3V Digital 3.3V Digital 3.3V Analog 3.3V Analog 3.3V Analog Connector Arrow I2C I2C I2C Sheet.231 Sheet.230 Sheet.107 Sheet.108 Sheet.109 Sheet.110 Sheet.111 Sheet.112 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.154 Sheet.155 Sheet.156 Sheet.157 Sheet.158 Sheet.159 Sheet.160 Sheet.161 Sheet.162 Sheet.163 Sheet.164 Comfortable Comfortable Sheet.165 29 29 Sheet.166 °C °C Sheet.167 Sheet.168 Sheet.169 Dry Dry Sheet.171 % % Sheet.172 Sheet.173 Very Good Very Good Sheet.174 1.0 1.0 Sheet.175 Air Quality Change AirQualityChange Sheet.176 Sheet.177 Sheet.178 Sheet.179 Sheet.180 Sheet.181 Sheet.182 Sheet.183 Sheet.184 Sheet.185 Sheet.186 Sheet.187 Sheet.188 Sheet.189 Sheet.190 Sheet.191 Sheet.192 Sheet.193 Sheet.194 Sheet.195 Sheet.196 Sheet.197 Sheet.198 Sheet.199 Sheet.170 47.7 47.7 Bluetooth Connector Arrow.236 Bi-directional Connector Arrow.240 Connector 1.72 Connector 1.72.243 Board.317
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram