What’s up DOC? A smart way to manage smart peripherals

What’s up DOC? A smart way to manage smart peripherals

Introduces the concept of the Data Operating Circuit (DOC) and how it can be used to control smart peripherals without CPU intervention, so improving system determinism and reducing power consumption.

Introduction of Evaluation Environment of BLDC Motor with Inductive Position Sensor IC (IPS2200) by RA6T2



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Debug and trace tool for Multi-Devices

R-Car S4-RH850U2A向けマルチデバイスデバッグ&トレースツール


Data Security in Industrial IoT Design

Executive Blog: Data Security Takes Front Seat in Industrial IoT Design

At Renesas, we put data security first in every new IIOT-enabled microcontroller we design

Renesas Virtual Development Environment for Fast Application SW Development

車載ソフトウェアの品質向上を実現するRH850 VPFの紹介

車載ソフトウェアの安全性、品質向上をサポートするためにRH850 VPFが提供する機能を紹介します。

TrustZone Implementation Overview and Pitfalls

TrustZone Implementation Overview and Pitfalls

This blog gives an overview of the security implementation on Cortex-M33 CPU based RA microcontrollers to understand the key concepts to consider, when implementing an application using TrustZone technology.

Renesas secure key installation with free of charge DLM service

Renesas secure key installation with free of charge DLM service

Secure handling of application cryptographic keys presents a significant challenge. Discover how the latest RA MCUs enable secure factory programming, by leveraging a Renesas-provided, simple and free of charge service.

Solution Matching System and Solution Request Site for solving R-Car user problem

お客様のお困りごとを解決! Solution Matching System & Solution Request Siteのご紹介


Using Example Projects to Support RA MCU Designs

Using Example Projects to Support RA MCU Designs

Take advantage of the extensive Example Projects available from Renesas to help support your RA MCU design