Revving the RISC-V Engine to Help Designers Explore Breakthrough Processor Architecture

Revving the RISC-V Engine to Help Designers Explore Breakthrough Processor Architecture

As RISC-V generates significant interest in the design community, Renesas uses its comprehensive MCU/MPU ecosystem to develop commercially viable solutions that accommodate any development path.

Low Power Consumption of RX MCU



The No-Code Paradigm Shift in Product Firmware Development

Quick-Connect Studio enables rapid firmware development using zero coding methodologies via graphical drag-and-drop of major system solution blocks and automatic firmware generation.

Develop The Touch Functions Of RX671 Quickly And Easily



Making a time check with the Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit

Making a Time Check with the Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit

Looking at how we can use the RA Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit to make more reliable microcontroller systems and examining what other useful functions it can provide.

How Renesas Design Standardization Saves Industrial Sensing Equipment Total Costs- Blog 2

How Renesas Design Standardization Saves Industrial Sensing Equipment Total Costs- Blog 2


New-Generation RL78/G22 MCU Delivers Inexpensive and Highly Functional Sensor Solutions


RL78/G22搭載の静電容量センサは、従来センサより、安価なセンサシステムの構築を実現します。安価なセンサシステムの開発を加速できるFast Prototyping Boardのデモ例を紹介します。

RA2E1 IO-Link Pressure Sensor Solution Enables Application Miniaturization

RA2E1 IO-Link圧力センサソリューションでアプリケーションの小型化を実現


Smart Energy Metering for a Greener Future

Smart Energy Metering for a Greener Future

Renesas has been a chip supplier to meter manufacturers and recently introduced the advanced RL78/I1C MCUs, which feature an analog front end for metrology and an on-chip ultra-low-power real-time clock.

The Asynchronous General Purpose Timer, Providing RA Microcontrollers with Low Power Timing Solutions

The Asynchronous General Purpose Timer, Providing RA Microcontrollers with Low Power Timing Solutions

The low power Asynchronous General Purpose Timer provides timing solutions for various applications. We show how we support applications to stay asleep for extremely long periods and then wake up.