

Smart lighting in building automation is becoming ubiquitous. Adding air quality sensors to connected control systems enhances human comfort and safety. This system combines LED control with environmental sensors capable of detecting high concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and estimating the concentration of carbon dioxide (eCO2) in rooms.

System Benefits​:

  • MCU with integrated Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) 5.0 for secure connectivity and mesh networking
  • Simultaneous multi-sensor measurements of all relevant air quality parameters​
  • PWM for LED intensity control




  • Smart home
  • Building lighting
  • Indoor/outdoor air quality sensing

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Connector Line Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 US084 US084 US084 Antenna Sheet.57 Sheet.58 Sheet.59 Sheet.60 Sheet.61 Sheet.63 Sheet.69 Sheet.71 Sheet.72 Sheet.73 Sheet.78 Sheet.81 Building Power Bus (15V-24V) Building Power Bus (15V-24V) Building Power Bus (15V-24V) 5V 5V 5V Sheet.92 Connector 1.162.166 PA PA PA DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC Light Sensor 2 Light Sensor Light Sensor Light Sensor Light Sensor Light Sensor Air Quality Sensor All-in-One Air Quality Module All-in-One Air Quality Module Connector 1.162 Connector 1.162.86 Connector Arrow Connector 1.162.173 Label Text 10pt.262 3.3V 3.3V Connector Arrow.187 Connector Arrow.190 Label Text 10pt.191 3.3V 3.3V Label Text 10pt.192 3.3V 3.3V Connector Line.196 Buck Regulator Buck Regulator Buck Regulator Sheet.74 Sheet.75 LED Driver LED Driver LED Driver Sheet.212 Sheet.149 Sheet.150 Sheet.152 Sheet.153 Darlington.651 Sheet.155 Darlington.254 Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Sheet.157 Sheet.139 Sheet.140 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Darlington.651 Sheet.144 Darlington.254 Sheet.146 Sheet.147 Sheet.158 Sheet.129 Sheet.130 Sheet.131 Sheet.132 Darlington.651 Sheet.134 Darlington.254 Sheet.136 Sheet.137 Sheet.159 Sheet.119 Sheet.120 Sheet.121 Sheet.122 Darlington.651 Sheet.124 Darlington.254 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.160 Sheet.161 Sheet.162 Sheet.163 Sheet.164 Sheet.165 Sheet.215 MCU MCU MCU I2C I2C I2C BLE BLE BLE I2C I2C I2C PWM PWM PWM
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram

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